Do not waiver in your mind! Stay focussed. Make it a habit to overcome all discouragement! Keep in mind, to whom much is given much is required.
Daily Surge.
The thing about living this life is to know that no one is perfect. If we were there would be no reason that Jesus had to die for our sins.
We all make mistake and will continue to make them. What we must do is have forgiveness for others as well as ourselves. Dealing with the issues that cause us pain in a positive way is the key. It is also very hard to do. We all have moments of weakness in our spirit that causes us not be the person that God is happy to see. Know this...any negative thoughts, feelings, negative actions performed, or inability to walk in the light paralizes our naturally good spirit. Negativity, feeds the negative spirits in your body. It feeds your sin, and weakens the Soul.
As i stated, no ones perfect, but just know that having balance should also be a goal to aim for. Feed your Soul, with good memories, good people, and good words. Feed your positive sides, so that you may have balance. A person has to make a conscience effort to feed their positive side unlike that of the negative. The world is what it is, and it does a good job of filtering negativity your way.
So remember to have balance.
It's amazing to know how much you can and can not control, but do know that you can Control more than you can not!
NOTE: Everyone won't get this b/c everyone doesn't think the same.
Building Wealth Seminar this week
visit: http://www.russwhitney.com
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