Thursday, April 1, 2010

How to tell when people are not on your team.

People have to see the vision you have for the company. It's all about knowing the direction you guys aspire to grow in.

There is always one direction at a time. Think of a team as a school of fish.

They all swim in the same direction as a group to discourage bigger companies of larger fish from devouring them.

This is how small business survive. The opposite is how single sole proprietors dies in business.

If you are not successful, ask yourself what did you contribute to the team. If you're a Boss and is unsuccessful you may need to cut ties and recruit new members.

Business is never personal.

Rule #1- In the beginning, everyone have to do the basics as a group. Follow the current like a fish.

Example: If I network, then you network for the same cause not your own.

Rule #2- If you're a Boss, everyone on your team has to be doing what your doing. If they are not...they are not on your team.

Example: If you are selling product online. Everyone should be pushing that same product online. It shouldn't be 1 individual. Work as a team.

Rule #3 - Hold people accountable for their actions. If you can't count on them they should be on your team.

Rule #4 - Team Work is not relative to paid work at all times. Your team has to be willing to push harder when the going gets tough.

Rule #5- Attendance is a dead giveaway. If members are not present they don't exit.

Rule #6- Consistent communication is a must. Whether by email, text, or calling; this is the artery to the heart of the organization you are trying to build.

Rule #7- Contribution - Members of a growing team are constantly recruiting other members. Why do you think Gangs are successful in consistently committing crimes. Use this in a positive manner not a negative one.

Pree Dammond

The Daily Preezie Baby!

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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