Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dinner for Schmucks Review

Review of Dinner for Schmucks  by Pree Dammond

 You definitely have to have a corky sense of humor to enjoy this movie which I am just the person for this type of humor.  Steve Carell and Paul Rudd were the perfect pair for capturing the audience's attention with situational irony and downright ridiculous Comedy.  No offense; but if you'll laugh at a handicapped man taking a dump in the middle of the street you will definitely laugh at the satire in this movie.

 The Art work in this movie was amazing and I’m not talking about special effects.  Who would have known that you could take a dead mouse and create a work of art? I must say Steve Carell's character was over the top artistically amazing.  There is little to say about Paul Rudd character in this film except for the fact that he deserves a standing ovation for not killing Steve's character.

 PSA for the Men:

 If your girl has been pressuring you for a ring, you may want to stay away from this movie.  It will only remind her that you're not committing.

 PSA for the Women:

If you guy has been pressuring you with the ring, you may want to stay away from this movie.  It will only remind him that you're not committing.

However, if you are the type that enjoys laughing and has a threshold for silliness; you'll still love Dinner for Schmuchks. You'll like the fact that this movie doesn't leave you hanging. It's one of the few with a true ending and an  unpredictable story line.

 Things you should do before watching:

 Loosen your belt and don't drink the milk if you want to stay clean.  This movie had me rolling in my seat. The writers on this project did a phenomenal job. However, once you leave the theater you will ask yourself what the hell did I just watch.

 On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate this movie a 7.5 but only because I wouldn't pay to go see it again.  Don't misunderstand me, the movie is still hilarious. You should go witness the comedy for yourself.


  1. Cool write up. I'm planning on seeing it when it comes out.

  2. The movie was great. You should go see it. It comes out this Friday.


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