Saturday, November 21, 2009

5 Things I do to reach success

5 things to do to be successful

1. Productive Work, 2. Grow in Knowledge, 3. Network, 4. Teach, and 5. Contribute

1. Take care not to become a busy body. In all professions real work gets done. Make sure to be productive in your work. The more you engage in real work, the better you will become in your profession.

2. I research the market in which I'm interested in. I strive to gather as much information as i can without turning into a Info-whore. We have all heard that knowledge is power. Just know it's only powerful when you use it, so don't waist too much time being a know it all without doing something with it.

3. Networking with others in your industry is essential. In the Entertainment Industry take care to not turn into a party goer. It's easy to find yourself at every party all the time, with nothing to gain from it. Be selective with the events you attend. Make sure that you are being productive when you attend an event. Networking open doors and allow you to learn from others who share your passion for your industry.

4. Teach what you've learned to others. you learned from someone, so pass it along. Consider it sewing a good seed that will reap a great harvest. Plus, Teaching allows you to gain an even better understanding of your industry. It allows you to become an export. In teaching, people will ask you questions that will challenge you even more in turn raising you above the bar in your industry.

5. Contribute to other. Volunteer work is always a plus. It's a great look for you no matter what industry your in. If you love what you do this will never be a problem. Contributing to your industry with volunteer work will enhance your image, while serving a great good. Join association and be active with your contributions.

The Daily Preezie Baby!

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