Saturday, August 1, 2009

Robbing a child of their dream

Child's Dream by Jeff_Michelmann

Robbing a Child of their Dream

I was speaking with a dear friend of mine, who's name I will not use due to her media ties. We spoke about life and several other topics when she made a comment about how people should not tell children that they can be whatever they want to be. She believes that telling children those things gives them a false sense of reality. She reiterates that everyone can not grow up being whatever they want to become. Her argument was support by the fact that there at variables in society that are stack against you such as race, culture, and educational abilities that limit those chances to be successful.

Not everyone has the ability to become the president of the United State of America. She quotes, “Not every black child will have the same chance to do that.” She then stated that she’s sure Obama did not grow up as a child saying he had the dream to become President of the United States.

In short, I agree that in essence you are giving off a false perception in telling a child that that may have certain restriction, but over all I disagree with her.

I believe by telling a child that you can become anything you want to become; In essence, you are giving that child hope which is fueling his imagination to dream. I believe that anything you put you mind to is achievable as long as your plan is well thought out and is conducive to yielding the result you desire.

She believes that God has a destiny for all of us and that just because you want to be the next NFL star or professional ball player, it doesn’t mean that will happen. She later states that God has to give you the message and that whatever that message is then that is what you are to become and will be successful in.

In conclusion,

I agreed with her last statement, and I think her points where valid in some ways. However, I would never rob a child of any dream by telling that child that you can’t become what it is that you want to become because of society or any social status in that life. I know different, because most success stories follow the same reality tag line.

"I started from nothing but now look….I have the world."

Written by: Pree Dammond

The Daily Preezie Baby!

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