Thursday, December 4, 2008

Is hooking up with someone out of convenience a bad thing?

This morning on Hot107.9 Morning show “Deez Nutz” hosted by Comedian Rickie Smiley, they raised an interesting Hot Topic.
They stated that due to hard economic times during this Recession, Couples who have broken up have been forced to continue to live together because they can’t afford to live apart.

They also stated that Dating has increase during the Holiday months. More people are dating because it’s cheaper to be with someone than live solo and apart.

Is staying with your spouse out of convenience a bad thing, and does being In-Love even matters anymore?


  1. I think a lot of people are together for convenience. The principles of marriage are based upon it. NO! It's not wrong to be with someone for convenience, support, and security. Hell! I don't love my man, like I cared for my Ex-boyfriend but he's a good man to have. Love is definitely over rated. No, I'm not married yet but that's how I feel.

  2. I believe getting involved with anyone for alternative motives is a poor decision, especially when love isn't a factor.


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