Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jack of all Trades Master of None

Why paint yourself into a corner, if you have more than one talent.. used them all. I'll give you something deep. People have always tried to diminish the shine by saying focus on one thing. Why? The point in life is to be happy with yourself, friends, and love ones. Their is no need to paint yourself into a corner, by ignoring your other talents. Some people don't have a talent. You'll be surprised how many people feel that they don't have a talent...just ask randomly. When you know that you have more than one talent...use them all to the fullest. Show your thanks to the most high, for his favor upon you by ignoring comments like "You don't want to be a Jack of all trades and Master of none." Surprise those that hate, by mastering each and every one of your talents.

1 comment:

  1. I only have one talent, so being a jack of all trades would be nice.


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