Tuesday, April 7, 2009


There are many things that go through my mind on a daily basis. Like which way should I go or which way should I turn. What can I do today in order to move forward with my life and make progress? I always feel like I am getting closer to a new found meaning and then there goes temptation in my face trying to get me to go backwards. I know I shouldn’t do it but it looks so good. Have you ever heard the saying, everything that looks good isn’t good for you? Well this is so true on so many levels. Take this example; there may be a person that you find very attractive. They dress nice, smell good, and are well groomed. You may start to talk to this person and as you hold a conversation with them you start picking out things they say that could be thought of as crazy. You shake it off and give them the benefit of the doubt. You continue to talk with them over time and find out that, dang, they really just don’t have it all. They look better than new money but have less sense than a box of rocks. This same approach can be taken when it comes to making choices throughout your life. Sometimes the choice that has the easiest outcome has worst consequences. Yeah it seems like the most common choice but you have to weigh the pros and cons of the choice. If this choice was made, would the long term be for the better or would it cause me to suffer long term. What could happen if I make this choice rather than make the other choice? In this life every body is given free will, no one forces you to do anything. Yeah your parents may have said you better do this or you better do that, but in the end you had to choose to disobey or obey them. Everyone’s spirit talks to them and tells them if they should or shouldn’t do something, but its up to that person to listen. I have made many decisions that may be thought of as stupid but I learned from my mistakes. Ultimately they gave me a better understanding of the impact that every choice I make has on my life. Now a days I choose to spread love to who so ever will receive it. I treat everyone how I want to be treated and give everyone the opportunity to show who they really are. I’ve made my choice, what’s yours?

Mr. Champion

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