Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are you grown and spoiled rotten

Grown and spoiled rotten

How to tell if your friend is spoiled rotten:

1. The a-hole never considers your side of the story. “red flag”
2. When it comes to dating, they expect you to always go Dutch (this is for the ladies).
3. Going out to eat has to be somewhere expensive in order for them to feel you appreciate them. (this is for the men).
4. They pout a lot about nothing when they don’t get their way (all genders included).
5. Their idea of a good time is having you showering them with gifts, and expect to give nothing in return
6. Drama is their friend. “red flag”
7. Peace of mind…is their enemy. “red flag with lava burns”
8. If your friend, always seems needy and they never want to use any of their own money when spending time with you. (Spoiled rotten User and a Loser)
9. Your friend is spoiled if they feel they can have sex whenever they want to regardless if they’re dating or not. (is this a good one)
10. Your friend is spoiled if they feel like getting dirty with chores is beneath them.
11. Your friend is spoiled if they believe beauty conquers all. Meaning, they feel that everything is free as long as you’re good looking. (Funny Funny +7).
12. In short, if you lack humility then you could be spoiled rotten.

Okay, I’ve asked a few friends of mine via text messaging, if they thought I was spoiled. One said yes, one said they didn’t have enough details, a few said no…but the reply comment I like the most is as follows:

“No Preezie, I don’t think you’re spoiled. I just think you have above taste for the finer things in life”.

Thanks, Loren, I love that comment.

The Daily Preezie Baby!

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