Thursday, June 18, 2009

You give nothing but want the world

You give nothing but want the world.

Why do people expect everything but are willing to give nothing? I have a friend that I truly admire but she gives nothing. She believes that her time is equivalent to the value of money. She expects for a man to show his admiration through spending money on her.

She considers this a deposit into what is she calls a mutual friendship.

Why isn’t a man’s time worth the same? Time equates to time. Money equates to money.
With the way things are today, I would hate to think that I’m wasting my time or money on someone who isn’t willing to make the same sacrifice for me.

To conclude: Sew what you expect and you’ll reap what you sew.

The Daily Preemie Baby!

1 comment:

  1. when you mentioned this on the phone earlier i didnt really give it much thought. now that I have actually read about it and had some time to think about it i think it is an absolutly ridiculous way of thinking and she couldn't possibly be serious.


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